Rock Projectile Magic VFX
The shader supports three texture types: diffuse, mask and distortion. All support offset/panning UV's as particle input and over time. I can color the diffuse through gradient mapping and default color. Mask supports dissolving through smoothstep.

The shader supports three texture types: diffuse, mask and distortion. All support offset/panning UV's as particle input and over time. I can color the diffuse through gradient mapping and default color. Mask supports dissolving through smoothstep.

Progress gif 1

Progress gif 1

Progress gif 2

Progress gif 2

Progress gif 3

Progress gif 3

Rock Projectile Magic VFX

Personal work. I always love doing magic effects and wanted to create an effect where a projectile is built up from sand and smaller rocks. I thought a ranged projectile attack would be a fitting project. During this project, I also made an extremely versatile master shader for VFX, which can do 99% of the things I need for VFX.

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